The people who make up Spearhead Health have a combined 40+ years of working in the behavioral health field. We understand that knowing the best way forward for families in need can be overwhelming and complex, which is the reason Spearhead Health was founded. Our primary goal is to shorten the average length a family spends within treatment and move them into a place of active recovery, growth, and healing.
Our consultants can offer their expertise in the areas of placement, decision-making, connection to resources, and discerning the next appropriate steps to take. All of our consultations offer a comprehensive evaluation, compiled through information gathered from family members, clinical, medical, and other relevant providers, resulting in a detailed plan which covers our recommendations for services and providers.
We have spent years traveling, touring programs, and attending conferences with assets and resources in the behavioral health field, allowing us to have a comprehensive understanding of what is available and what can best meet the needs of the families and clients that we work with.